Januário Soares "Bolly"

"Hamutuk Ita Hari'i Loron Aban Ida Buras Liu"

Januário Soares "Bolly" | Administrator of Viqueque Municipality

"Hamutuk Ita Hari'i Loron Aban Ida Buras Liu"

Januário Soares ho Kodigu revolusionáriu “Bolly”, iha experiênsia nebe liu tinan 20 hala’o nia funsaun iha Administrasaun públika. Timor-Leste bainhira restaura nia Independesia iha tinan 2002, antes ne’e nia asumi ona knar hanesan “Deputadu Asembleia Konstituante” husi fulan Setembru 2001 to’o fulan Maio 2002. Hafoin kontinua kedan knar ba Deputadu iha primeiru lejislatura husi tinan 2002 – 2007. Januario Soares “Bolly” asumi kargu hanesan Administrador Munisípiu Viqueque tuir resolusaun númeru 58/2020 aprovadu iha dia 21 de Dezembru nebe koalia kona-ba nomeasaun Administrador Munisípiu Viqueque. Nune’e sei assume kargu durante períodu tinan 5, konta hahú husi loron 14 fulan Fevereiru tinan 2020 nebe simu tomada de posse.

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1. Geography

Municipality Viqueque, one of the 12 Municipalities of Timor Leste, is located in the eastern part of the country. The east part shares border with Lautem Municipality, the south border is along the Timor sea, the west border is shared with Manatuto Municipality and the north border with Baucau Municipality. Viqueque Municipality have five administrative posts: Lacluta, Ossu, Uatu-Lari, Uatu-Carbau and Viqueque, and together they have 36 sucos (villages).

Demographically, the population of Viqueque Municipality is projected at 78,599 (Census 2015 – projection for 2019), with a population density of 41,79, covering an area of 1,872.7 km². The population have different local languages, including Tetun, Makasa’e, Tetun Terik and Naueti.

2. Toponymy

The name of Viqueque comes from Tetun Terik and is divided into two words, Wee means water and Keke means bracelet. According to the story, the population of Viqueque comes from two places: Bibilutun and Luka. These two groups were living in their own places and ruled by two separate kings, who were siblings. One day, the king of Luca heard that people from Wehale came to Luka from Suai, Same and Manatuto. The King, called Nai Lu Leki, told his soldiers to fight them. On the way, the soldiers felt thirsty and went searching for water. They found a water source on the way. There was an old woman in the water source. The soldiers asked her to give them water. After she did, the commander grabbed and cut off her hands, which was wearing a bracelet. The soldiers and commander brought the bracelet back to King Nai Lu Leki. The hung up the hand in the Hali Laliman trees. The king of Luka kept the bracelet and declared it as sacred, naming it Wekeke.

3. History

Historically, Viqueque Municipality had its own traditional authority before the Portuguese government established their rule in Viqueque. In 1698, the Portuguese Government, through the Governor Antonio Coelho Guerreiro, established office in all the municipalities, included Viqueque. On April 20, 1859, the Portuguese Governor established 11 Districts in the whole territory of Timor Leste. Viqueque became a district known as Bibiluto District with its office located in Viqueque. It regrouped the kingdoms of Viqueque, Luca, Lacluta, Dilor and Barique Bibiku.
After World War II, the Governor Oscar Ruas changed it from being a military command into a Civil Circumscription. Viqueque Municipality was a district of East Timor during the Indonesian occupation, and later became a Municipality after independence.

4. Climate

In terms of climate, the weather in Viqueque Municipality is divided in two seasons: dry and rainy season. The dry season goes from July to September/October and the maximum temperature goes up to 31°C and goes as low as 11°C. The rainy season runs from October/November to June.

5. Points of interest

Point of interest in Viqueque Municipality include: Mount Perdido, Lariguto hill, the Gas bridge, the Church of Imaculada Conceição, the Spring of We Luli, Beaco beach, and Bebui bridge.

Administrative post

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Annual Plan

Year Proposed value Attachment
No data

Annual Budget Allocation

Year Budget Allocated
2021 $505,699.08

Meet Council Members

Sr. Januario Soares “Bolly”
Administrador Munisípiu de Viqueque
  • +670 77311651
  • januario.soares@municipio.gov.tl
Sr. Teotonio Sarmento da Silva
Secretário Município de Viqueque
  • +670 78479337
  • N/A
Sr. Januario Soares “Bolly”
Administrador Munisípiu de Viqueque
  • +670 77311651
  • januario.soares@municipio.gov.tl
Sr. Teotonio Sarmento da Silva
Secretário Município de Viqueque
  • +670 78479337
  • N/A
Sr. Filomeno da Cruz
Director of Procurement
  • +670 78443915
  • martinsluzinho32@gmail.com
Sr. Marcos Rangel
Director Planeamentu
  • +670 77562920
  • sarmentom83@gmail.com
Sr. Domingos de Carvalho Monteiro
Director Servisu Municipal Planeamento Integrado Dezenvovilemto (SMPID)
  • +670 77258959
  • N/A

© 2024 Administration of Viqueuque Municipality